Introducing Antone Bruinsma, a seasoned Australian sculptor with over 35 years of professional experience, whose journey in art began in his youth, inspired by his father, a Dutch artist and painter. Antone's family moved from Amsterdam to Australia when he was 12, a transition that marked the beginning of his lifelong dedication to sculpture. After completing art college, he embarked on a career as a full-time sculptor, creating works for both public and private realms. His commitment to the arts extended beyond his personal practice, as he actively contributed to the promotion of public art and sculpture in Queensland and across Australia through his involvement with various arts organizations, including his role as president of the Society of Sculptors Queensland from 1983 to 1985.

Antone's motivation is deeply rooted in his desire to create meaningful sculptures that enhance public spaces and bring joy to private settings. He resides and works in the picturesque Gold Coast hinterland, drawing inspiration from the natural beauty surrounding him. His artistic reach, however, extends far beyond this locale, with commissions taking him to Taiwan, China, and various parts of Australia, contributing to the enrichment of numerous communities and landscapes.

With a portfolio boasting hundreds of sculptures, Antone's passion for his craft remains as vibrant as ever. He occasionally runs workshops, sharing his love for art and sculpture with others, while dedicating the majority of his time to his outdoor studios, working on private commissions and public art projects. His love affair with sculpture is not just about the art form itself, but also about how it interacts with and enhances its environment. With a career spanning over three decades, Antone Bruinsma has been a pivotal figure in shaping the aesthetic landscape of Australia and beyond, working closely with developers, curators, gardeners, architects, and project officers to bring out the intrinsic value of each location with his sculptures.

Video introductions of all Antone's Sculptures

Sculptures For Sale by Antone

Grace - Antone Bruinsma
The sculpture Grace represents the unfolding beauty and our acceptance of natural life forces shaping our environment and vision.
Eternal - Antone Bruinsma
This beautiful flower sculpture symbolises the constant pulsations of the heart, soul, and spirit in Nature and ourselves.
Spring into Summer - Antone Bruinsma
After carving a massive red granite boulder into a rose in Germany in September, I felt I needed to come back to earth and carve a flower bud.
Black Dragon Lily - Antone Bruinsma
This sculpture is an organic and playful representation of the earth’s energies rising. I initially had the vision to create this enigmatic piece
Window to the Soul - Antone Bruinsma
Based on the significance of the number nine I wanted to give the heart of a flower a “window” which highlighted our connection with the world of Flora. It is actually a maquette or scaled model for a larger sculpture
Embracing the Void - Antone Bruinsma
Inspired by Buddhist philosophy, this peaceful sculpture reminds us of the importance of “spiritual space” in our lives.

Antone's Website

Antone Bruinsma sculpture
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