Antone Bruinsma

Antone Bruinsma

7 posts
Grace - Antone Bruinsma

Grace - Antone Bruinsma

Helidon freestone, red jasper, and red granite, 85cm (H) x 125cm (W) x 80cm (D) (includes base) This sculpture represents the unfolding beauty and our acceptance of natural life forces shaping our environment and vision. It is part of the continuing story of our human perception within the cycles of...

Antone Bruinsma

Antone Bruinsma

Introducing Antone Bruinsma, a seasoned Australian sculptor with over 35 years of professional experience, whose journey in art began in his youth, inspired by his father, a Dutch artist and painter. Antone's family moved from Amsterdam to Australia when he was 12, a transition that marked the beginning...

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