Michael Lillas

3 posts
Horse #1 - Michael Lillas

Horse #1 - Michael Lillas

"Horse #1" by Michael Lillas is a remarkable sculpture that showcases his unique talent for transforming recycled materials into art. Crafted entirely from repurposed horseshoes, this piece stands as a testament to Michael's innovative approach to blacksmithing and his commitment to sustainability. The sculpture's...

Sphere #1 - Michael Lillas

Sphere #1 - Michael Lillas

"Sphere #1" by Michael Lillas, a sculpture that showcases his innovative approach to blacksmithing and passion for recycling. As a retired barrister turned artisan, Michael brings new life to discarded steel products, with this particular piece elegantly constructed from repurposed horseshoes. "Sphere #1" stands as a...

Michael Lillas

Michael Lillas

Michael Lillas is a retired barrister who prior to retirement took up blacksmithing as a hobby. The theme in all Michaels work is recycling steel products as much as possible. Horseshoes gas bottles and rail way pegs being the main staple for his creations. Horseshoes lend themselves to being made...

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