A sunny morning last week saw us, a group of sculptors, exploring the Brookfield Rose Farm, soon to be the backdrop for the "Silent Narrative of Flowing Forms" exhibition. Alan O'Connor, our host and the farm's owner, walked us through the spaces where our sculptures will be displayed amongst the roses.
Antone Bruinsma, John Fegan, Colleen Lavender, Fred Beel, and I, Jaco Roeloffs, took the time to find the perfect spots for our sculptures in the landscape. It was a practical session filled with discussions about placement, light, and the connection between art and the farm's natural beauty. While Russell Solomon and Nina Summers weren't there in person, their works will be an integral part of the mix, bringing their visions to our collective initiative.
This day at Brookfield Rose Farm marked the start of a promising venue for sculpture in Brisbane's semi-rural setting. We are eager to transform these acres into a place where art and environment meet.
Details will be finalised soon, and I can't wait to invite you to wander among the sculptures, set against the Brookfield countryside.
Antone Bruinsma

Fred Beel
John Fegan
Colleen Lavender
Russell Solomon
Nina Summers

Jaco Roeloffs

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