Russell Solomon was born into an artistic family, most notable his grandfather Lance Vaiben Solomon who won the Wynne Prize twice for landscape painting in 1946 and in 1953. Under his tutelage Russell honed his drawing skills and concreted his love of line. In discovering wire and all its potenial as a 3D line, Russell created his first wire sculpture in 1991 and he has not looked back.
Russell’s work is concerned mostly with the natural environment, our place in it and our impact on it. Having grown up in the northern beaches area of New South Wales this is where he formed a strong and respectful connection to the landscape. The artist says: “My practice expresses a deep concern for the human condition and the environment in which it exists.”
Russell has been exhibiting for over quarter of century and has works in private and corporate collections worldwide. Russell has received many prizes and awards for sculpture including most recently the SWELL Sculpture Festival Emerging Art Award in 2021. Russell has been Artist-in-residence at many schools around Australia including Townsville, Brisbane and Fitzroy Crossing and has extensive experience facilitating workshops with community groups.
Sculptures for sale by Russell

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